It's no surprise to clinicians that many or most of their HIV patients are negatively impacted by major life stresses. But new research shows that HIV medication adherence among people with the most stressful lives is abysmally low.
On the heels of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data showing that one in four teenage girls has a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and that nearly a third of American girls becomes pregnant as a teenager, scientists and other experts testified about abstinence-only programs at a Congressional hearing.
AIDS Action serves as the national voice for AIDS service organizations, health departments, health educators, and a diverse network of community-based organizations across the country providing services for people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS.
The past year was a disappointing one in the search for a safe and effective HIV vaccine, said Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institutes of Health (NIAID).
Mummies are fascinating. they represent a special snapshot of our human past when contemporaries respected our human forms enough to try to preserve them indefinitely.
Threats to laboratory workers come in many varieties, ranging from earthquakes to fires. But one threat that has acquired enhanced visibility in this age of bioterrorism is the threat of a laboratory-acquired infection.
Pneumococcal meningitis remains a deadly disease, with a case fatality rate among adults that is still above 20%, with also permanent neurological sequelae in a substantial minority of survivors.
In the health care setting, transmission of varicella zoster virus (VZV) from dermatomal herpes zoster lesions is generally felt to be insignificant, as long as the lesions are kept covered.